The Best Time To Reroof a House | Roofing Services Whitby

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June 27, 2019




The Best Time To Reroof a House

The timing of getting a roof replacement can be a major concern for homeowners. We at Turnbull Roofing are here to say that time of the year and season is irrelevant in this matter; if your roof needs to be replaced then it should be done immediately. That knowledge comes with the counter knowledge that being prepared, scheduling, and season can make your roof replacement an easier and less costly production.

Roofing Season

There are certain times during the year in which roofers tend to be busy. This is during the end of summer and fall where homeowners are either preparing for or repairing damages caused by the extreme climates. This will make replacement costs go up (due to the labour demand) and make your replacement difficult to schedule. Even though summer and early fall may be the deemed “roofing seasons” it may be wiser to schedule roof replacements during the drier and cooler times during the spring.

Winter Replacement

Many homeowners would probably not consider getting a roof replacement during the winter months however, there are many advantages to this. Winter Roof Replacements are considered “off season” replacements, which would lower costs, allow for scheduling flexibility, and a team of roofers dedicated to getting your roof done in a timely manner due to seasonal challenges. A homeowner should be aware that extreme weather could certainly be a challenge for winter replacements.

Summer Replacements

Reroofing in the summer is ideal because of the weather conditions. However, if keeping the cost of reroofing low is a concern to the homeowner, reroofing in the summer is not advisable. This season is the busiest and most costly.

Regardless of this information, the answer to “when the best time to reroof” remains uncertain. Ultimately, the best time to reroof is whenever your roof demands it, for the safety of your home. Be sure to stay prepared, take preventative measures against damages to your roof, and regularly maintain your roof, so that your reroofing time does not come as a surprise and you have time to prepare. If you need a roof replacement, call Turnbull Roofing, your local Oshawa Roofing Company, today at 905-579-ROOF (7663) or know more on our website