What Can You Do When Your Roof Caves In? - Turnbull Roofing

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September 26, 2016


Roof Replacement


What Can You Do When Your Roof Caves In?

The “roof caves in” is an idiom for a devastating event in one’s life. Appropriately, it describes the sad reality some homeowners face after a terrific storm. If a roof endures heavy loads of ice or snow, suffers a great blow from falling trees or experiences prolonged leaking, the whole structure can collapse.

Should your roof cave in, the first thing you should do is evacuate the home. A sunken roof is a structural threat. Not to mention, it connects to various gas lines and electrical panels, making it a giant safety hazard.

Once safely outside, call emergency services as well as a reliable contractor. If other homes nearby also received damage in the storm, then you may need to wait for roofs in worse shape to be fixed. Otherwise, you can get a team up on the roof immediately to make your home liveable once more.

Will Insurance Cover a Collapsed Roof?

Most insurance policies cover cave-ins under regular circumstances. Companies that do not include coverage will at least sell add-ons. This is why it’s important to shop for the right insurance and to read the contract closely.

Regardless the insurer, you will not get compensation if you are culpable. For example, if you have not performed the necessary maintenance on your roof, then your negligence voids the coverage. This includes failure to clean the gutters (frozen leaves have a damming effect), your choice in roofing material and its last inspection date. Another popular at-fault scenario is old trees leaning into the home. It’s your responsibility to groom your property.

To prevent a cave-in from natural elements, you need to watch for leaks and snow build up. Most roofs can handle 20 to 30 pounds per square foot before sagging. Likewise, roofs with untended leaks become soggy over time. In fact, snow piles can cause leaks when the attic isn’t properly insulated. If too much heat escapes, it melts the snow unevenly and creates pooling.

These are just some of the dangers that can lead to collapses. For more information, speak with a local contractor and schedule an inspection.