What Does a Roofing Inspection Consist Of?

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September 27, 2017


Roof Inspection


What Does a Roofing Inspection Consist Of?

A thorough roof inspection consists of both an interior and exterior inspection. The interior roof inspection looks at some of the following areas such as ensuring your attic is properly insulated, ventilation and checking for moisture or mold. If moisture is collecting on your roof’s underside, this is likely a sign that your outer roof has a leak. Any mold development is also a sign that moisture is getting into your attic from your roof.

Exterior roof inspections involve the inspector actually getting on the roof to assess its current condition. Exterior inspections look for:

  • Shingle deterioration;
  • Structural issues, like a sagging roofline, gutter damage or improper flashing
  • And other signs of roof damage such as leaks or ice dams.

Post Inspection

The next steps are based-off the condition that the roof was found to be in. A roof in good condition won’t require any repairs; however, any issues that are found will be carefully detailed by the inspector. These notes will be used to provide the homeowner with an estimate of the cost to repair those issues.

Roof Report

An estimate for roof repair generally takes one to three business days to create. The roofing company will factor in labour, material and equipment costs properly. Once prepared the estimate will be emailed or delivered to the homeowner for review. After receiving your estimate, make sure time is set aside for either a call or a meeting with the roofing company. It’s important to schedule time for them to answer any questions you may have regarding why certain repairs are necessary and how they will be fixed.


Roof inspections go a long way in catching potential issues before they have the opportunity to turn into larger more costly repairs. Having a roof inspection performed annually allows for optimal roof care.