Turnbull Roofing | Durham Region Roofing Specialists

Roofing Services in Durham Region

A shingle roof system is the most commonly used roofing practice in Canada consisting of individual overlapping elements.


A Higher Standard

The elements used in a shingle roof system are typically flat, rectangular shapes laid in courses from the bottom of the roof upwards, with each successive course overlapping the joints below. Shingles are made in various materials such as wood, slate, metal, clay and composite, with the most common material being asphalt and fibreglass asphalt based.

Fibreglass asphalt based shingles are very affordable, as compared to other roofing materials, with quality products lasting 20 to 50 years and are recyclable in some municipalities. Fibreglass asphalt shingles come in a large range of styles and colors, are almost always highly visible and so are an important aspect of a building's aesthetics in patterns, textures and colours. Ask your Turnbull Roofing & Renovations Ltd, representative on how we can best enhance the look of your home.

Should a performance issue be found, homeowners would be well advised to act promptly by contacting an experienced and trusted roofing company, like Turnbull Roofing & Renovations Ltd, to prevent any further damage to the interior living space, attic and/or the roof system itself. Our company has been providing the highest standard of roofing services for over 30 years; whether full roof replacement is required or an emergency repair, our work is always performed with a steadfast combination of:

> High quality materials
> Superb workmanship
> Strong attention to detail

Free Estimate

For a free estimate please fill out the contact information listed below. We are pleased to offer financing from Financeit, click here for pre-approval. We look forward to hearing from you.

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